主題標題 Learning Outcomes

序號 關連 文獻類型 關連名稱
1 主題 圖書 探討應用STEAM教育模式融入自然與資訊科技課程對學生學習之影響 =Discuss the impact of applying STEAM education model to integrate Natural sciences and Information technology courses on students' learning /林嘉威撰
2 主題 圖書 應用 ADDIE 設計數位教材並探討其效益 =The learning effect of applying ADDIE to design digital teaching material /黃益慶撰
3 主題 圖書 數位媒體輔助教學對資源班學生數學科學習成效之研究:以雲林縣某國中為例 =A study on the learning effects of digital media-assisted teaching on mathematics learning of resource-room students with disabilities: A case study of a junior high school in Yunlin County /賴政豪撰