主題標題 數位媒體

序號 關連 文獻類型 關連名稱
1 主題 圖書 數位科技打造社區文物故事館—以頂菜園為例=Apply Digital Technology to Create the Community Heritage Story House in the Top Vegetable Local Farm (Dingcaiyuan)/邱嘉琪撰
2 主題 圖書 以數位媒體角度探討台灣選舉行銷策略之研究 =A Study of Taiwan's Election Marketing Stratege from a Digital Media Perspective /陳柏少撰
3 主題 圖書 數位媒體於紋繡微妝造型之應用 =Application of Digital Media in Eyebrow Microblading of Light Makeup Modeling /劉曬貞撰
4 主題 圖書 以數位多媒體紀錄打面宋江陣文化之研究 =Research on the culture of the face painting in Song Jiang Battle Ritual with digital multimedia records /王子豪撰
5 主題 圖書 農產品透過數位媒體行銷之探討:以民雄鄉農會為例 =Exploring the Digital Media Marketing for Agricultural Products:An Example of Minxiong Township Farmers' Association /陳俊男撰
6 主題 圖書 數位媒體對無人機推廣之影響 =The Impact of Digital Media on the Promotion of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle /賴柏樽撰
7 主題 圖書 數位媒體輔助教學對資源班學生數學科學習成效之研究:以雲林縣某國中為例 =A study on the learning effects of digital media-assisted teaching on mathematics learning of resource-room students with disabilities: A case study of a junior high school in Yunlin County /賴政豪撰
8 主題 圖書 數位媒體教學對於提升國中學習障礙學生學習興趣及閱讀理解能力成效之研究 =Research on the Effectiveness of Digital Media Teaching in Improving the Learning Interest and Reading Comprehension Ability of Junior High School Students with Learning Disabilities./張靜瓊撰
9 主題 圖書 應用數位媒體技術來輔助員工資料處理效能之研究:以台南中小企業為例 =The Study of Applying Digital Media Technology to Enhance Employee Data Processing Efficiency:A Case Study of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Taiwan./蔡文華撰