主題標題 數位學習

序號 關連 文獻類型 關連名稱
1 主題 圖書 電子通訊實習/黃仁芬撰
2 主題 圖書 JAVA好好玩/陳萌智撰
3 主題 圖書 大學遠距教學成果專書.2014=The Development of Distance Learning in Taiwan Higher Education/楊鎮華總編輯
4 主題 圖書 數位學習科技期刊=Interbtional Journal on Digital Learning Technology
5 主題 圖書 教育科技與學習=Educational technology & learning/中華資訊與科技教育學會編著
6 主題 圖書 數位媒體教材融入創意紙圖設計之研究=Research on Importing Creative Paper Drawing Design for Digital Media Teaching Material/劉云鈞撰
7 主題 圖書 數位遊戲融入生字教學學習成效之研究:以臺中市某國小一年級學生為例 =A study on the learning effects of Integrating Digital Games into New Chinese Words Teaching: A Case Study of the First-Grade Students of an Elementary School in Taichung City/黃筱涵撰
8 主題 圖書 智慧學生證對學生傷病管理成效之研究:以嘉義市之嘉E卡為例 =A study on the effectiveness of smart ID cards for student injury management:A case study of the Chia-E card In Chiayi City/邱盈齊撰
9 主題 圖書 數位技術於智慧駕駛輔助系統運用之研究:以嘉義某車廠為例 =A study on the application of digital teachnology in smart driving assistance systems:A case study of a car factory in Chiayi City/程宥霖撰
10 主題 圖書 烘焙網紅多媒體行銷對消費者購物滿意度之研究:YouTube為例 =A study of Multimedia Marketing on Consumers' Shopping Satisfaction of Baking Weblebrities:A Case Study of YouTube/賴毓宏撰
11 主題 圖書 數位教材融入美髮丙級技能檢定成效之研究 =A study on the effect of integrating digital materials into the teaching of hairdressing C-level skills /胡名軒撰
12 主題 圖書 數位多媒體結合淡彩速寫呈現虎尾特色建築之探究 =Exploring the distinctive architecture of Huwei through the combination of digital multimedia and watercolour sketches./蕭朱完撰
13 主題 圖書 運用多媒體技術輔助學生在數學的學習成效之評估 =Assessment of Student Learning Effectiveness in Mathematics Units Assisted by Multimedia Technology./李韋儀撰
14 主題 圖書 農產品網路訂購意向之研究:以嘉義市農會為例 =A Study on the Online Shopping Intention for Agricultural Products:A Case Study of the Chiayi City Farmers' Association./林銘泓撰
15 主題 圖書 不同學習風格學生運用數位學習工具對公民科學習成效之研究:以雲林縣某國中三年級學生為例 =A study on Civic learning effects of students with different learning styles in using digital learning tools:A case study of third-grade students in a junior high school in Yunlin county./周群硯撰
16 主題 圖書 應用數位媒體技術對房屋銷售顧客滿意度之研究 =The Impact of Applied Digital Media Technology on Customer Satisfaction in Real Estate./張涵蓁撰
17 主題 圖書 應用數位媒體技術教學對資源班學生學習成效之探討 =Discussion on the application of digital media technology teaching to the learning effectiveness of students in resource classes./賴嘉慶撰
18 主題 圖書 行動裝置應用能力與資訊科技態度對行動支付意願之影響 =The Impact of Mobile Device Proficiency and Information Technology Attitudes on Mobile Payment Intentions./馬紹瑜撰
19 主題 圖書 電子教科書教學運用BOPPPS模組對國中生數學學習成就與學習態度之影響 =Effects of Using BOPPPS Model in Electronic Textbooks Teaching on Mathematics Learning Achievement and Learning Attitudes of Junior High School Students./曾寶華撰
20 主題 圖書 以媒體技術使用在汽車維修之成效分析:以Y維修廠為例 =Analysis of the effectiveness of using media technology in automobile maintenance:taking Y maintenance shop as an example./董佳琪撰
21 主題 圖書 應用數位媒體技術對國人身心健康指標成效之研究 =Research on the effectiveness of applying digital media technology to the physical and mental health indicators of Chinese people./李依純撰
22 主題 圖書 應用媒體技術探討消費者購物使用行動支付之滿意度研究:以台灣Pay為例 =Applying media technology to explore consumer satisfaction using mobile payment for shopping:taking Taiwan Pay as an example./蔡宜庭撰