主題標題 顧客滿意度

序號 關連 文獻類型 關連名稱
1 主題 圖書 服務品質、服務價值、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之關係研究:高仕高爾夫練習場消費者為例/趙國斌撰
2 主題 圖書 應用數位媒體技術對房屋銷售顧客滿意度之研究 =The Impact of Applied Digital Media Technology on Customer Satisfaction in Real Estate./張涵蓁撰
3 主題 圖書 應用數位媒體技術教學對資源班學生學習成效之探討 =Discussion on the application of digital media technology teaching to the learning effectiveness of students in resource classes./賴嘉慶撰
4 主題 圖書 連鎖便當店的服務品質、品牌形象與消費者行為意向之關係研究:以顧客滿意度與食物品質為中介與調節變數 =A Study on the relationship among service quality,brand image and consumer behavioral intention of chain convenience stores:using customer satisfaction and food quality as mediating and regulating variable
5 主題 圖書 連鎖餐飲店品牌形象、知覺價值與忠誠度之關係研究:以餐飲品質為調節變數 =A Study on the Relationship among Brand image,Perceived Value and Loyalty for Chain Restaurant:Catering Quality as a Moderator. /劉孟哲撰
6 主題 圖書 市售純化酵母菌種應用在黑后葡萄發酵過程之品質差異與啫好性感官評估之探討 =Discussion on Quality Variations and Sensory Evaluation for Black Queen Grape Fermentation with Commercial Purified Yeast Strains. /潘亦芳撰
7 主題 圖書 餐飲安全意象、服務品質與滿意度之研究:以某高中團膳為例 =Food Safety Perceptions,Service Quality,and Satisfaction:A Case Study of a High School Catering Service. /林玉茹撰
8 主題 圖書 蔬食餐飲業經營管理之研究:以樸素齋坊為例 =A study on the Business Management of Vegetarian Catering Industry:The case of Pu Su Zhai Fang. /潘文惠撰