主題標題 經營管理

序號 關連 文獻類型 關連名稱
1 主題 圖書 經營管理論叢=Operation Management Reviews/南華大學企業管理系編
2 主題 圖書 蔬食餐飲業經營管理之研究:以樸素齋坊為例 =A study on the Business Management of Vegetarian Catering Industry:The case of Pu Su Zhai Fang. /潘文惠撰
3 主題 圖書 墓地山林火警搶救作為探討:以苗栗縣通霄鎮為例 =Principles of Firefighting Operations for Cemetery and Forest Fires:A Case Study of Tongxiao Township in Miaoli County. /葉哲維撰
4 主題 圖書 銅質電纜過載走火之研究 =The Study of Copper Cable Overload Ignition. /李昱陞撰
5 主題 圖書 老舊集合住宅大樓消防安全設備檢修申報作業風險評估之研究 =Research on risk assessment of inspection reporting of fire safety equipment in old congregate residential buildings. /李卉姍撰
6 主題 圖書 營業中建築物於施工期安全防護影響因素之研究 =Research on factors affecting the safety protection of operating buildings during the construction period. /蔡宛霖撰
7 主題 圖書 高發泡滅火設備及綠色能源應用於機堡(棚)之研究 =Research on Application of High Foaming Fire Extinguishing Equipment and Green Energy in Aircraft Hangar. /廖晨洋撰
8 主題 圖書 滅火器語音輔助裝置之技術專利 =Technology patent for fire extinguisher voice assistance device. /彭世博撰
9 主題 圖書 利用火災動態模擬評估建築物內逃生避難時間方法之研究 =Research to Evaluate Escape and Evacuation Time in Buildings Using Fire Dynamic Simulator. /彭茂凱撰
10 主題 圖書 金屬加工製造業火災原因分析與防範對策之研究 =Analysis of fire causes and prevention strategies in metal processing manufacturing. /翁偉展撰
11 主題 圖書 消防人員自救survival精進訓練之研究:以嘉義縣消防局為例 =Research On Intensive Self-rescue Training For Firefighter-Chiayi Country Fire Department as an Example. /王景信撰
12 主題 圖書 居家防火宣導減災效益之研究:以臺南永康區為例 =Research On the Disaster Reduction Benefits of Publicizing Home Fire Prevention:A Case Study of Yongkang District in Tainan City. /張育周撰
13 主題 圖書 工廠火警搶救之研究:以桃園市政府消防局為例 =Research On Factory Fire Rescue:A Case Study of the Taoyuan City Fire Department. /周奕賢撰
14 主題 圖書 心肺復甦術宣導成效之探討:以台南市永康區為例 =Exploring the Effectiveness of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Advocacy:A Case Study of Yongkang District in Tainan City. /郭楨旻撰