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ISBN 1119782236(pbk.)
ISBN 9781119782230(pbk.):NT$1199
作品語文 英語
出版國別 美國
題名著者 Cloud native security/Chris Binnie, Rory McCune.
出版項 Hoboken, New Jersey:John Wiley & Sons,c2021.
稽核項 xxiv, 307 p.:ill.,24 cm.
一般注 Includes index.
摘要 Cloud Native Security delivers a detailed study into minimizing the attack surfaces found on today's Cloud Native infrastructure. Throughout the work hands-on examples walk through mitigating threats and the areas of concern that need to be addressed. The book contains the information that professionals need in order to build a diverse mix of the niche knowledge required to harden Cloud Native estates.
主題標題 Cloud computing--Security measures.
DDC 005.823
美國會分類 QA76.585.B55 2021
主要著者 Binnie,Chris
次要著者 McCune,Rory
出處 台灣
館藏記錄 99/QA76.585/B614

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