最後更新時間 20220831081406
ISBN 0367435829(hbk.)
ISBN 1032190264(pbk.)
ISBN 9780367435820(hbk.):NT$4511
ISBN 9781032190266(pbk.)
ISBN ebook
國家書目號 US2021037795
作品語文 英語
出版國別 美國
題名著者 Cloud security:attacks, techniques, tools, and challenges/Preeti Mishra, Emmanuel S Pilli, R. C. Joshi.
版本項 1st ed.
出版項 Boca Raton, FL:Chapman & Hall/CRC Press,2022.
稽核項 xxvi, 216 p.:ill.,24 cm.
摘要 "This book is written with an intension to provide a thorough and detailed discussion on various fundamental aspects of cloud security. It provides an insight in to cloud computing including definition, history, characteristics, service models, cloud deployment models, key technologies, service platforms and challenges It discusses the concepts of cloud security, threat model, attack taxonomy and security techniques"--
主題標題 Cloud computing--Security measures.
DDC 004.67/8223/eng/20211018
美國會分類 QA76.585.M5753 2022
主要著者 Mishra,Preeti(Computer scientist)
次要著者 Joshi,R. C.
次要著者 Pilli,Emmanuel S.
出處 台灣
館藏記錄 99/QA76.585/M678

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