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ISBN 1482246554(hbk.):NT$2268
ISBN 9781482246551(hbk.)
國家書目號 US2015460949
作品語文 英語
出版國別 美國
題名著者 Performance-based fire safety design/Morgan J. Hurley, Eric R. Rosenbaum.
出版項 Boca Raton, FL:CRC Press,c2015.
稽核項 xv, 203 p.:ill.,24 cm.
一般注 Includes bibliographical references and index.
內容注 1. Introduction -- 2. Hazard and Risk -- 3. Design Fire Scenarios -- 4. Design Fire Scenarios -- 5. Fire Dynamics and Hazard Calculations -- 6. Human Behavior -- 7. Detection and Suppression System Design -- 8. Smoke Control Design -- 9. Structural Fire Resistance -- 10. Fire Testing -- 11. Performance-Based Design Documentation and Management -- 12. Uncertainty.
摘要 Performance-Based Fire Safety Design demonstrates how fire science can be used to solve fire protection problems in the built environment. It also provides an understanding of the performance-based design process, deterministic and risk-based analysis techniques, development of design fire scenarios, trial design development and analysis, and building life cycle management.Topics addressed include designing to protect people from fire, design of detection systems, smoke control systems and structural fire resistance, addressing computational and design uncertainty, and fire testing to support design development or evaluation. -- provided by the publisher.
主題標題 Fire protection engineering.
美國會分類 TH1065.H965 2015
主要著者 Hurley,Morgan J.
其他著者 Rosenbaum,Eric R.
出處 台灣
館藏記錄 99/TH1065/H965

條碼號 館藏地 特藏類型 索書號 館藏狀態 應還日期 預約人數
0190546 八樓西文圖書區 一般圖書 TH1065/H965 5樓(安全) 2015 在架上