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ISBN 1614705755(hbk.):NT$2272
ISBN 9781614705758(hbk.)
國家書目號 US2011024362
作品語文 英語
出版國別 美國
題名著者 Clostridium botulinum:a spore forming organism and a challenge to food safety/Christine Rasetti-Escargueil and Susanne Surman-Lee, editors.
出版項 New York:Nova Science Publishers,c2012.
稽核項 x, 278 p.:ill.,24 cm.
集叢項 Advances in food safety and food microbiology
一般注 Includes bibliographical references and index.
內容注 Clostridium botulinum : history, strains, and neurotoxin diversity / Michel Popoff and Mazuet ChristelleThe molecular and structural biology of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxins reveals insights into the sophisticated mechanism of neurotoxicity / Andreas RummelHistory of botulism : botulism around the world in the 20th century / Zane HorowitzInfant botulism / Lucia Fenicia, Fabrizio AnniballiPassage of botulinum toxins through the intestinal barrier / Yukako FujinagaBotulism symptoms, incubation period, complications, diagnosis, and management / Itzhak BrookBotulism hazards from native foods in the Arctic regions / B. Zane HorowitzDetecting botulinum in food : effective and sensitive detection of Clostridium botulinum toxin in foods / Uma Basavanna, Guy E. Skinner, and Shashi K. SharmaIntegrated approach used by government agencies and industry to protect the consumer : food safety legislation / Angela Iriajen, C. Rasetti-EscargueilControl in primary food production : meat, fish, and vegetables. Control in processed foods : meat products, fish products, vegetable products, and dairy products. Control in REPFEDS / Angela IriajenSafe process design and food hygiene guidelines / Flavio L. SchmidtPredictive modelling : predicting exposure of consumers to Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin in processed food / Pradeep Malakar.
主題標題 Botulism.
主題標題 Clostridium botulinum.
主題標題 Food--Microbiology.
主題標題 Food--Safety measures.
主題標題 Botulinum Toxins--adverse effects.
主題標題 Botulism--etiology.
主題標題 Botulism--prevention & control.
主題標題 Clostridium botulinum--pathogenicity.
主題標題 Food Handling--standards.
主題標題 Food Safety--methods.
DDC 615.9/529323
美國會分類 QR201.B7C55 2012
NLM WC 268
其他著者 Rasetti-Escargueil,Christine.
其他著者 Surman-Lee,Susanne.
出處 台灣
館藏記錄 99/QR201.B7/C645

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0158717 八樓西文圖書區 一般圖書 QR201.B7/C645 5樓(安全) 2012 在架上