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ISBN 1461462045(hbk.):NT$2106
ISBN 9781461462040(hbk.)
作品語文 英語
出版國別 美國
題名著者 Food safety management:implementing a food safety program in a food retail business/Hal King.
出版項 New York:Springer,c2013.
稽核項 xiii, 130 p.:ill.,25 cm.
集叢項 Food Microbiology and Food Safety : practical approaches
一般注 Includes bibliographical references and index.
摘要 The goal of this book is to show how to build and manage a food safety department that is tasked with ensuring food safety within a food retail business. The experiences of the author as the head of Food and Product Safety at Chick-fil-A will be used as the model. Specifically, the book will discuss the specific components of a food safety program, the tactics needed to establish these components (forming the majority of the chapters), how to measure the success of each component, and how to influence the organization to ensure resources to support the program.
主題標題 Food contamination--Prevention.
主題標題 Food service--Safety measures.
DDC 647.95 S128 Kin 2013
美國會分類 TX911.3.S24K56 2013
主要著者 King,Hal
出處 台灣
館藏記錄 99/TX911.3.S24/K52

條碼號 館藏地 特藏類型 索書號 館藏狀態 應還日期 預約人數
0158706 八樓西文圖書區 一般圖書 TX911.3.S24/K52 5樓(安全) 2013 在架上