最後更新時間 20120815130714
ISBN 9781439836774(hbk.):NT$5687
ISBN 1439836779(hbk.)
國家書目號 us2011039811
作品語文 英語
出版國別 美國
題名著者 Lactic acid bacteria:microbiological and functional aspects/[edited by] Sampo Lahtinen ... [et al.]
版本項 4th ed.
出版項 Boca Raton:CRC Press/Taylor & Francis,c2012
稽核項 xviii, 779 p.:ill.,27 cm.
一般注 Includes bibliographical references and index
摘要 "Updated with the substantial progress made in lactic acid and bacteria research since the third edition, this fourth volume discusses improved insights in genetics and new molecular biological techniques. Thoroughly reorganized, this book incorporates the recent changes in new molecular techniques and the mechanistic understanding of probiotic functionality. The book remains firmly grounded in the basics of lactic acid bacteria; their genetics and taxonomy, their application in food and feed preparation, their health properties, and the legal issues associated with their use"--Provided by publisher
主題標題 Lactobacillus--genetics
主題標題 Food Microbiology
主題標題 Lactobacillales--genetics
主題標題 Molecular Diagnostic Techniques
DDC 579.3723
美國會分類 QR121.L333 2012
NLM QW 142.5.A8
其他著者 Lahtinen,Sampo
出處 台灣
館藏記錄 99/QR121/L151

條碼號 館藏地 特藏類型 索書號 館藏狀態 應還日期 預約人數
0149222 八樓西文圖書區 一般圖書 QR121/L151 5樓(安全) 2012 在架上