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ISBN 9781439806654(hbk.):NT$5076
ISBN 1439806659(hbk.)
國家書目號 us2010044816
作品語文 英語
出版國別 美國
題名著者 Fruit and cereal bioactives:sources, chemistry, and applications/edited by Ozlem Tokusoglu, Clifford Hall III
出版項 Boca Raton, [Fla.]:CRC Press,c2011
稽核項 xiv, 459 p. [8] p. of plates:ill. (some col.),26 cm.
一般注 Includes bibliographical references and index
摘要 "Presenting up-to-date data in an easy-to-use format, this comprehensive overview of the chemistry of bioactive components of fruits and cereals addresses the role of these compounds in determining taste, flavor, and color, as well as recent claims of anticarginogenic, antimutagenic, and antioxidant capabilities. It provides detailed information on both beneficial bioactives such as phenolics, flavonoids, tocols, carotenoids, phytosterols, and avenanthramides and toxicant compounds including mycotoxins; aflatoxins, ocratoxin A, patulin, citrinin, cyclopiazonic acid, fumonisin, and zearalenon. A valuable resource for current knowledge and further research, it offers critical reviews, recent research, case studies, and references" --Provided by publisher
主題標題 Fruit--chemistry
主題標題 Cereals--chemistry
主題標題 Dietary Supplements
主題標題 Phytotherapy
主題標題 Plant Extracts--therapeutic use
主題標題 Fruit--Composition
主題標題 Grain--Composition
主題標題 Phytochemicals--Physiological effect
DDC 664/.822
美國會分類 QK865.F78 2011
NLM WB 430
其他著者 Hall,CliffordIII
其他著者 Tokusoglu,Ozlem
出處 台灣
館藏記錄 99/QK865/F944

條碼號 館藏地 特藏類型 索書號 館藏狀態 應還日期 預約人數
0149215 八樓西文圖書區 一般圖書 QK865/F944 5樓(安全) 2011 在架上