最後更新時間 20120815124331
ISBN 9781439870143(Taylor & Francis : hbk.):NT$3619
ISBN 9780881736618(Fairmont Press : hbk.)
ISBN 9780881736625(electronic)
ISBN 1439870144(Taylor & Francis : hbk.)
ISBN 0881736619(Fairmont Press : hbk.)
ISBN 0881736627(electronic)
國家書目號 us2011003466
作品語文 英語
出版國別 美國
題名著者 Managing indoor air quality/H.E. Burroughs, Shirley J. Hansen
版本項 5th ed.
出版項 Lilburn, GA:Fairmont PressBoca Raton, FL:Distributed by Taylor & Francis,c2011
稽核項 xii, 359 p.:ill.,24 cm.
一般注 Includes bibliographical references and index
內容注 Indoor air quality: an overview-where are we?Indoor air quality in retrospect: how did we get here?Classifying indoor air problems: what kind and how big a problem do we have?Investigating indoor air quality problems: how to find out what went wrongControlling indoor air problems: how to keep the building working wellThe thermal environment: an internal habitatHVAC: the heart of the systemFiltration: understanding an underutilized assetBuilding security and safety: readying your building for "extraordinary" environmental stressOperations & maintenance: an ounce of preventionManagement procedures: the soft side of IAQ successWhat "they" say from whence does my help cometh?
主題標題 Air quality management
主題標題 Buildings--Environmental engineering
主題標題 Indoor air pollution
DDC 69722
美國會分類 TD883.1.H36 2011
主要著者 Burroughs,H. E.
其他著者 Hansen,Shirley J.
出處 台灣
館藏記錄 99/TD883.1/B972

條碼號 館藏地 特藏類型 索書號 館藏狀態 應還日期 預約人數
0149208 八樓西文圖書區 一般圖書 TD883.1/B972 5樓(安全) 2011 在架上